modern atelier

drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing
2016.Buenos Aires

Instructors Lluís Ortega, Juan Pablo Porta, Santiago Miret & Melissa Brieva
Collaboration with Universidad Torcuato di Tella. Participants Santiago Barbieri, Florencia Baserga, Alexander Beckman, Federico Bonessi, Candela de Bortoli, Azul Castelli, Juliana Correa, Giuliana Donatelli, Michelle Esterkin, Inés Fischer, Guido Gernetti, Constanza Lodd, Konstantin Marinov, Yingu Pan, Victoria Pavesi, Santiago Rígoli, Clara Roffé, Victoria Saieg, Roberto Scarpati, Cloé Sierchuk, Agustín Sliwinsky, Jenna Staff, Beatríz Trujillo, Micaela Zadravec, Gabriela Zarwanitzer, Brenda Zawadzki & Martín Zemma
Photography by Konstantin Marinov, Lluís Ortega, Yingu Pan & Jenna Staff

For this reinterpretation of Le Corbusier's Domino scheme, our group focused on a very particular aspect of it; its circulation.

The first attempts simply carried out the packing of a volumetric cube with all the different circulation possibilities. From very low ramps to very high stairs, each attempt look at the possibilities offered by that particular system.

For the final scheme, all of those were put together. The ramps are in the cube's core, while the stairs on its periphery. The bottom of the cube has the minimum ramps and maximum stairs, while the top half is inverted.

More than the simple logistics of the proposal, this project was an attempt at understanding the different possible relations between all these systems and their physical implications.